Gangsta Island TV is not just any ordinary animated short form hip-hop podcast; it is a beloved and sought-after destination that encapsulates the essence of the Golden Age of Hip-Hop. Skillfully crafted by the incredibly talented artist, Ken Lewis, this remarkable creation transports its audience into a world of funny and intelligent animations, laced with a touch of dark comedy that leaves viewers in stitches. Drawing inspiration from Ken's formative years in the bustling cityscape of Gary, Indiana, the show serves as a loving tribute to the early pioneers of hip-hop, hailing from the glorious era of the 80s and 90s. Its meticulously curated collection of nostalgic props and eye-catching visuals serves as a delightful throwback, taking the audience on a journey down memory lane. It comes as no surprise that Gangsta Island TV has amassed a substantial following on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. This unique podcast adroitly brings to life the essence of the hip-hop culture, offering an entertaining and immersive experience that transcends mere storytelling.